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<Critical point>



Wood, Water, Waterpump, Bucket 


  This piece is about "Changing" . When I first started this Coummunity Art project at Iteawon Usadan Street, I was skeptical about it. Usadan street, which has shops of 70's and modern shops at the same time, was changing rapidly. It seemed natural that it will go through gentrification as other spots like Brooklyn and Hongdae. Also after little trouble with habitants over there, I was totally lost. I had to reconsider about the purpose of community art.

  In the end, a definite answer could not be made, but a thought struck that young creators are like viruses that change and adapt their abilities and characteristics for survival. The hopeful fact is that small amounts of virus ultimately become vaccines to strengthen the ability to adapt to sudden changes. The title “Critical point” means not only a key moment, but also in scientific terms indicates a phase change. Drops of water falling one after the other from the ceiling into a bucket, in a moment turns the bucket over. And this repeats endlessly.                  

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